Beccles Training Site

Status:Active, open to new members
When: on Monday mornings 11:00 am-1:00 pm
The first and third Monday of each month
Venue: Caxton Club

Support Group: 4

Our next meeting is Monday


Cribbage, or Crib, is a card game for two, three or four players. It involves playing and grouping cards in combinations which gain points. Cribbage has several distinctive features including the cribbage board used for score-keeping.

If that has whet your appetite then come along to our Cribbage Group.

We are a small group who try not to take it too seriously. Crib boards and cards are provided and it costs £2 a session. If you want to play but don't know the rules, I'm sure we can muddle you through! It would be great if you could arrive 5 - 10 minutes before start time, to get all important teas and coffees sorted, before play starts at 11am.


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