Beccles Training Site

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month - 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Venue: Waveney Centre Beccles
Cost: £2 per session to cover costs

Support Group: 4

Italian Conversation 2

General Information:

Our purpose is to learn enough Italian to converse at some level with local people when we holiday in Italy, and also to understand the written word in public places.

The group has been in existence since 2018 when we started learning Italian with the BBC Italian Course and then moved on to Italian Conversation. Despite using these and other learning materials we struggle to talk in Italian as we do not have anyone with a good knowledge and understanding of Italian so we learn from each other in the true u3a manner. We are trying hard to improve our talking skills and are slowly getting better.

We have a good laugh often over coffee and biscuits and can get easily drawn into talking about all kinds of stuff.

Group Convenors Handbook

Group Pages

Italian Conversation 2

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