Beccles Training Site

Doors open at 9.45am for a 10.30 start, with tea and coffee available until 10:15. Please ensure that you have your teas or coffees before 10.15, to allow the refreshments team time to tidy up and join the meeting before it starts.

Every month, after the u3a announcements have been made, there will be a guest speaker who has been invited to talk about something of interest. For the last ten years the talks have covered a huge range of subjects from political scandals to dancing in a tutu.

Prospective members of u3a may attend 2 monthly meetings as guests upon paying a visitor’s fee of £2.00, after which they will be expected to join.

Next Monthly Meeting

  • A Review - Barry Linton and Cyber Security - 21st August 2024
    This a follow up of the talk by Barry Linton, when he explained to us that Cybercrime fraud is now our most commonly reported crime, and on Wednesday 21st August we were taught about the risks of online fraud and the dangers of not paying attention - - click the link for more information

Monthly Meetings
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